
  • 自建房
  • 2021年03月-2021年03月
  • ¥5000.00

运用现代、简约的设计语言,体现了建筑空间的时代特质,采用中心空间序列的手法,减弱现有空间单调、呆板的感觉,增强过度空间的表现性。 The use of modern and concise design language reflects the epochal characteristics of architectural space.Use the method of central space sequence to weaken the monotonous and stiff feeling of existing space and enhance the performan


将不同的材质,界面抽象为基本的造型元素,通过造型要素的综合的运用(点、线、面、体)变化和对比,形成简练而丰富的空间内容。 Different materials and interfaces are abstracted as basic styling elements. Through comprehensive application of styling elements (point, line, surface and body) change and contrast, concise and rich space content is formed. 不同的材质在空间中综合运用,不同的机理形成有节奏的韵律感。 Different materials are comprehensively applied in space and different mechanisms form a rhythmic sense. 黑白灰作为主基调,辅以有彩色和独立色,设计构思强调变新颖突出现代感 Black and white gray as the main tone, complemented by colors and independent colors, the design concept emphasizes novelty and highlights the modern feeling 内设计对平面的调整,流线的组织及主要造型、色彩的设计及定位。 The interior design adjusts the plane, organizes the streamline and designs and locates the main styling and color.


建筑内部功能复杂,因此保持建筑内部空间的有序统一是非常关键的。这表现在对各种空间概念的区分 Because of the complex functions inside the building, it is very important to keep the orderly and unified interior space of the building.This reflected in the distinction between various concepts of space 与确定,不应附加大装饰而影响空间的层次秩序;造型主题保持连贯、统一的 It should not add large decorations to influence the hierarchical order of space; the main spaces of buildings penetrate each other and the design theme remains consistent and unified. 设计手法,有助于形成一致独特的性格特点。 Design techniques help to form consistent and unique personality characteristics.

  • LOFT
  • 复式
  • 民宿
  • 别墅
  • 家装
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